Wednesday 26 April 2017

Evaluation Question 7

Q.7 looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When we have a look back at our preliminary task you can see that our understanding on how to make a film opening has changed a great deal – and you can see that from the quality of our piece. The first main thing that we have improved on is the research that we had to undertake to make sure that we were creating a justified film opening. From this we found lots of facts and figures on what to do and what not to do which has led to the improvement of our piece. We also learnt how to effectively use a camera. You can see that the quality of our piece has increased a great deal and you are also able to notice a great deal of better and more efficient camera angles. This has led to the look of our piece becoming more professional. Also when you compare our preliminary task to our final piece you can see that our editing looks a lot better. in the preliminary task we decided that we would edit on the schools editing software - IMovie. This was good because it meant that we could do all the editing in school. We found that this software was fast to edit and is also good to upload the video's. We found that it would be inadequate however for our final piece. This meant that we had to do a little looking around. We finally came to the derision that we would use Sony Vegas 14 pro which is industry professional editing software. This helped us a lot as it meant that we had a lot of features to use to finish our film.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Evaluation Question 6

Here is my evaluation question 6.

Evaluation Question 5

We addressed our target audience, couples, by including a young couple as the main characters. This will attract our target audience of couples 16 to mid-20s as both genders will have a character in which they will be able to relate with. By doing this it will have a positive effect as the audience will be more likely to connect and feel for a character which will make them engaged in our film.
To attract our female viewers, we have deeply considered the generic conventions of a romance film. Boy meets girl, then fall in love which the viewers will be able to relate to, to some extent. As well as this we have efficiently use camera angles, for example, the close up and mid shot of the couple holding hands. From doing some research we have found that women consider themselves to be emotional so while watching romantic films they especially love to get engaged when something romantic happens between the two leads, this is the 'Uses and Gratifications' theory where people go to watch films to feel emotions, which is why we have included things like the characters touching hands. We will also attract the female viewers with the music we have incorporated. During the film opening we had a soft, laid back piece of music. This was to convince the viewers that the two protagonist had a normal loving relationship like every usual couple therefor relating back to 'Uses and Gratifications' theory.

 Males will be attracted by our film opening through the use of our camera angles, an example of this is at the beginning of the film opening, which is shown through a close up. In the close up the male protagonist, Hugo, accidentally draws blood while shaving. This creates a sense of tension and danger in the scene which puts the viewers on the edge of their seat. These are common generic conventions for an action film which appeals to our male audience as males enjoy the references to danger and violence. 

Monday 24 April 2017

Evaluation Question 4

Question 4
Our main target audience would be couples aged from 16 to late 20’s because 51.1 of people aged 16 and over in England and Wales are in relationships. There are many Rom/Com films out there in the media industry, however there aren't many Rom/Com action films which is why we believe that joining these three genres together we could attract a wider mainstream audience. Rom/Coms are already a very popular with females and couples, however sometimes males don't really get into the genre, which is why we hope we can capture that side of the market and hopefully try to get mailes to watch the film. 
We will be giving our film a certification of 15 because when we were looking at the BBFC (British Board of certification) we can include Nudity in a sexual context but without strong detail and Sexual activities but without strong detail. We are also able to use strong references to violence; however, it cannot have strong gore or violence that dwells on the infliction of pain or injury. As well as this the bbfc permits that we are allowed to use strong language which we will use mainly during the fight scenes between the couple later on in the film. However very strong language may be permitted, depending on the manner in which it is used. So due to this we will not use any strong language as we don’t want to take the risk of our certification going up.

An example of a film which are is similar to ours is This means war. It combines the genres Action/Romance and has a sub-genre of comedy. It appeals to a wide audience the same as us, both genders aged 16-20’s +. The action attracts male by the genres generic conventions such as, violence and destruction. The Romance attracts female viewers as they usually can relate or imagine the romantic scenario and they get attracted to the genres generic conventions, love, happy ever after and boy meets girl.