Thursday 29 September 2016

Preliminary Task: Storyboard and Shotlist

To make sure that our film makes sense for the viewer/audience we had to make sure that we planned everything that we wanted to do. This includes what shots we want to achieve and how we are going to position the camera. This is so that we don't have to waste time planning the shots that we want to do. This also gives us an idea of the equipment that we are going to need for the shoot. all of the camera angles that we are going to use is on the storyboard.

So for the first scene we want a man to be walking to the interrogating room. This will be outside in a dark setting to set the mood for the rest of the short clip. this will be sort of a establishing show/ long shot of a man walking. This again helps set the mood for the rest of the film.

In the second scene we are having a match on action from the door into the corridor, this will be one of the clips that we have to do strait off. This will make it easier to do the other shots later on. hopefully this makes our work look more professional. This goes all the way through to scene 4 on our storyboard.

At scene 5 there will be a follow shot on the interrogator walking down the corridor. This may be a dolly shot or handheld, it all depends on what equipment we have on the day.

At scene 6 we are going to have a panning shot on the interrogator walking down the corridor. this is where we will see him getting closer to the interrogating room. From this shot we will get a close up on the door and him about to walk through it.

At scene 6 into 7 there will be a cut, to an over the shoulder shot of the interrogator walking in behind the suspect. This is how we want to introduce the suspect.

From here on out in the film we will be using the 180 degree rule and eye line match. These will be the only other scene's we have to have in. we feel that that this will hold the viewers interests and make our film look more appealing to people.

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