Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Generic Conventions In Film Openings

When we have a look at generic conventions in film we can see that depending on the genre that you are going to make/watch then there are specific things that you expect to see.
when we compare a load of genre's together we get an understanding of what should be shown in that genre and what should be avoided.
When we have a look at generic conventions in a horror film opening you would normally wouldn't get any action at the very beginning. you would normally see that it builds the film up. Unfortunately i couldn't find the film opening on YouTube however i could find the trailer and you can get an idea of how the opening should be. At the beginning everything is OK  and that there is nothing going on, as you can tell by the trailer they were all happy and that they had moved to their grandparents for a bit. This is what you expect to see in a horror film as it then means that you can start to create the tension and start to change the mood of the film from there. When you have a look at mise the film, you normally expect a horror to be set in some sort of location that has connotations of horror. Good examples of this could be in a grave yard, old hospital or in some sort of house. The setting has to be effective, if no the film wont create the tension that is required for a good horror film which means that the film wont have the same effect that it should. The generic props that you would normally see in a horror would be that they are wearing ripped, old clothing and would often be covered in blood - giving all the connotations that they are stressed and in danger - building the suspense and tension that is required.
When we have a look at the generic conventions that you would expect to see in a comedy, normally it would be setting up the scene for what is about to happen. This would normally start with an establishing shot to then going into some back story to make the whole thing a lot more understandable. A good example we can use here is the film Central Intelligence. In the opening of the film, the generic mise that you would expect to see in a comedy is things like explosions with extravagant sound effects, or something that just looks funny. This would create the right atmosphere that is required for a comedy. When you have a look at the location of comedies it is very random. It all depends on the kind of story line that the film has, normally if its a mickytake of an action you would normally see small, dirty houses as well as large, expensive towers. Again it all depends on the story line.

When we have a look at the generic conventions in an action film you expect to see a lot of money spent on mise at the beginning to set the film to set the mood. When we have a look at the opening of the film Spectre you can see that it starts with a huge action scene right at the beginning of the film. Just like most mainstream you would expect to either see that money has been spent or mise or some sort of action scene. The generic conventions of mise that you would normally see in an action is men in smart outfits - normally with weapons. This then sets up the atmosphere required for an action film. The location that you commonly seen is exotic, luxury locations that are normally not seen by common people.

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